
How long does it take to arrive the clothes?

Our shipping takes between 10 to 15 days to arrive, depending on the country

  • United States 7-10 days
  • Canada 7-10 days
  • Germany 10-15 days

How to wash Feel the Andes clothes?

Andean clothes are produced in rural areas of Ecuador, were clothes are not washed in machines but by hand and mostly in cold water. This means that the garments never washed in a machine could be misshapen or shrink the first time in a machine.

Therefore, it is important to keep this very much in mind and never wash alpaca garments at more than 30 celsus degrees, because they can become misshapen and shrink up to 50% of their original size. If you wash it in machine, you will have to put the option “handwash”.

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